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Lot 13 Ryan Court, Torquay QLD 4655

506 m²


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Lot 13 Ryan Court, Torquay QLD 4655

506 m²

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506sqm block 3 mins to beach

Lot 13 in the new Ryan Estate at 92-96 Colyton Street could be your new address. With a width of 19m and depth of 26m there's plenty of room to build your new home and make the most of your lifestyle in the beachside suburb of Torquay.

Located in an established part of of Torquay you'll be only minutes to convenience shops, sporting and recreation facilities, schools, childcare, and an easy 20 minute walk or 3 minute drive to the beach, retail and dining precinct of Torquay.

Other blocks available from 463sqm to 511sqm. Buy land only and choose a home design from your preferred builder, or select a home and land package from one of our partner builders.

Blocks are fully serviced with town water, electricity, sewer and NBN ready. Civil works completed and blocks NOW TITLED.

Ryan Court can be found at 92-96 Colyton Street Torquay, opposite Sager Court.

For more information, or to secure your ideal home site today, call Rod Marks on 0408 619 491 or email


*Prices and status are correct at time of publication and subject to change without notice. Images and representations may be indicative only, not of actual property featured. Purchasers should inform and assure themselves by inspection or independent advice prior to purchase.


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