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Lot 50 Ocean View Drive, WOODGATE QLD 4660

810 m²


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Lot 50 Ocean View Drive, WOODGATE QLD 4660

810 m²

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Best value land in Queensland

Lot 50 Ocean View Drive, Woodgate is arguably the best value coastal land in Queensland.

Where else can you buy fully serviced land just 10 minutes' walk to the beach, boat ramp, hotel, and conveniencee store for less than $200,000?

This 810m2 block is situated at the northern end of Woodgate, and is just 30 mins drive to Childers and 45 minustes to Bundaberg.

Buy land only and choose your own design and builder, or select from one of our partner builders' house and land pacakges.

Serviced with town water, sewer and underground power. Titles are anticipated in early 2022.

19m frontage
North-east aspect to front

For more details phone Rod on 0408 619 491 or email

*Prices and status are correct at time of publication and subject to change without notice. Images and representations may be indicative only, not of actual property featured. Purchasers should inform and assure themselves by inspection or independent advice prior to purchase.


*Prices and status are correct at time of publication and subject to change without notice. Images and representations may be indicative only, not of actual property featured. Purchasers should inform and assure themselves by inspection or independent advice prior to purchase.


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